About our Blog

Blissfully inspiring you with our youthful sense of style is our passion. This is the story of two fifteen year old girls whose creativity reflects in our fashion, and we want to share this vision with the world. We are the generation of tomorrow and this is our fearless fashion.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Scarf Sundays Issue I - Classic Burberry

Scarf Sundays
Issue I
Classic burberry

Hello everyone! I hope that everyone had an amazing week. It just now started to get cold up here so  I decided to start my first post of a series of posts. I thought that this scarf would be a great first post because it uses all the fall colors and it is very soft. I love the fuzzy puffs at the end. I have seen this scarf before without the puffs and I personally perfer them, but I guess it just depends from person to person...

One of my friends painted her nails with this pattern.She is going to do a "How To" post this week. Her link is www.prettypolishinc.blogspot.com/ 



  1. We'd really appreciate it if you subscribed by email or like our blog on facebook at facebook.com/prettypolishinc or follow us on twitter @prettypolishinc thanks :) Hannah should post the pic in just a bit

  2. Hello from your newest follower! I love that scarf and the nails are too cute. I would love for you to come and follow my blog! Great post! :)



  3. Cool nails:)

