About our Blog

Blissfully inspiring you with our youthful sense of style is our passion. This is the story of two fifteen year old girls whose creativity reflects in our fashion, and we want to share this vision with the world. We are the generation of tomorrow and this is our fearless fashion.

Sunday, September 30, 2012


Scarf Sundays
Issue II

Hello everyone! I hope that you guys had a great week! Just letting you all know that I got my homecoming dress and I will upload pictures after homecoming :D If you haven't noticed, we have a new add on our site! I love shabby apple's style and what they do. They have many unique and vintage inspired styles. I hope that you guys enjoy shopping or just looking at thier collections.
So this week, we have this super pretty pink scarf. I got this as a gift from my friend last year. If you look closly, it is a mixture of crochet and lace. I adore this scarf and I think it has to be one of my favorites. 
Love you followers and future followers!

1 comment:

  1. love that pink scarf! you look gorgeous!


